News from ICT, electronics and mechatronics

Check what the conference can offer to you

What speakers will present to you

Due to Covid-19 situation IKTEM 2020 conference has brought top-notch technical presentations in form of proceedings of lectures for the areas of:

  • Overcoming Challenges in PCB designing for demanding applications
    (5G, Fast SDRAMs, Fast Video Signals)
  • Programming ANDROID devices
  • IoT Products & Solutions
  • Measurements with modern measurement instruments and methods
  • CAD-CAM tools for electronics and mechatronics
  • Case studies from fields of ICT, electronics and mechatronics
What will we do

Due to Covid-19 there were no “Hands-on” workshops.

About IKTEM conference

Due to Covid-19 situation there was no Dart competition, nor there was dinner or beer tasting!

About IKTEM conference

Organisers: AX elektronika, Svet elektronike magazine, Svet mehatronike magazine



Venue: due to Covid-19 situation the conference was not organised in physical form. IKTEM 2020 has brought proceedings of lectures in PDF form to participants that have signed in.


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Top notch Authors

Authors in IKTEM 2020 Proceedings of lectures.

Edita Žugelj

Marketing Manager at CGS plus d.o.o.

    Simon Rusjan

    CEO Arrow d.o.o.

      Mirko Ivančič

      Amiteh d.o.o.

        Božo Mišović

        ELEKTROINŠTITUT MILAN VIDMAR, external consultant

          Marjana Senčar Srdič

          A1 SLOVENIJA d. d., Manager of IoT technologies and innovations


            (Slovenščina) Prodekan FERI Maribor

              Gregor Polanšek

              (Slovenščina) Vodja skupine za razvoj digitalnih enot

              (Slovenščina) V svoji poklicni karieri se je ves čas ukva

                Andrej Drozg

                ADD ProS d.o.o.

                  Žiga Lausegger

                  Employed at Pistam d.o.o.

                    Danilo Zimšek

                    Asistent na FERI za predmete na področju digitalnega procesiranja signalov

                      Grega Močnik

                      Mladi raziskovalec na FERI

                        Radu Igret

                        FAE SEE

                          Tomaž Rehar

                          RSM SEE

                            Conference agenda

                              Conference agenda

                            (Slovenščina) Verjetno mnogi od vas poznate Arrow Electronics (v nadaljevanju Arrow) zgolj kot distributerja elektronskih komponent, zato sem se odločil, da vam to globalno podjetje s 85-letno tradicijo in sedežem v Centennialu (Kolorado), prikažem tudi v drugi luči.

                            Skratka, Arrow se želi danes identificirati kot Technology Solution provider in v naslednjih vrsticah bi vam rad predstavil podjetja ali oddelke, ki zagotavljajo, da lahko Arrow danes ponudi vse od komponente, do razvojnih modulov, softvera, programiranja, proizvodnje in sestave pa do kompletne povezave v t.i. rešitve v oblaku (Cloud Service). Prav tako smo omogočili, da te rešitve bodisi poiščete ali ponudite na naši novi spletni platformi ArrowPlus, o kateri si nekaj več lahko preberete v nadaljevanju.

                            Simon Rusjan, Arrow d.o.o.

                            To support the further expansion and evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), the mobile industry has developed and standardized a class of dedicated cellular technologies. These Mobile IoT networks support devices requiring broad coverage, a long battery life and low cost, yet secure, connectivity across both rural and urban locations.

                            Drawing on interviews with 24 mobile operators, this report outlines how LTE-M and NB-IoT networks are being rolled out around the world, what operators and their partners have learnt so far and what they plan to do next. It explains how the Mobile IoT is creating value in commercial settings, while outlining initial tariff plans and the availability of modules, chipsets and other equipment.

                            Božo Mišović EIMV, Marjana Senčar Srdič, A1 Slovenija d. d., Ljubljana

                            Presentation will explain reasons for high speed signal simulations during telecommunication board design are presented. Later in presentation type of high speed signals, which are simulated on Aviat boards, will be discussed. Speed to which these signals operate is also presented. Further on detailed description of high speed signal simulations will be discussed. In conclusion future challenges related to the high speed signal simulations on Aviat boards will be presented.

                            (Slovenščina) Gregor Polanšek, Aviat d.o.o.

                            Testing vehicle components and embedded control systems can be hazardous and time consuming. Employing simulation, HIL engineers can validate embedded controllers (ECUs) earlier in the design cycle to save time and improve test coverage.
                            NI’s HIL solutions are open and flexible. They provide for third-party model and device integration and the ability to adapt to inevitable changes in signal lists and I/O requirements. With NI, system ownership is with you, not the test vendor, so that you can maximize HIL system reuse throughout verification and validation on a common test architecture.

                            ANDREJ DROZG, ADD PROS D.O.O.

                            V predavanju želimo predstaviti, kaj je treba upoštevati pri
                            povezovanju digitalnih signalov visokih hitrosti kot npr.
                            DDR, MIPI, USB, HDMI na merilnike, npr. osciloskope.

                            Mirko Ivančič, Amiteh

                            (Slovenščina) Pri razvoju mobilnih platform predstavlja enega od glavnih faktorjev pri načrtovanju izdelkov poraba energije. V določenih segmentih industrije, kot so samovozeči vozički za prevažanje tovora, avtonomni avtomobili in drugo, se ne moremo vedno zanašati na povezavo v oblak, da bi tam izvajali računsko zahtevne operacije, ki jih algoritmi za implementacijo avtonomne vožnje zahtevajo. Pri tovrstnih aplikacijah potrebujemo platforme, ki imajo po eni strani nizko porabo energije in so hkrati dovolj zmogljive in optimizirane za izvajanje tovrstnih algoritmov. V prispevku bomo predstavili razvojno ploščo Nvidia Jetson TX2, komponente, ki jo sestavljajo in možnosti priklopa zunanjih senzorjev. Obravnavali bomo začetno konfiguracijo in vzpostavitev sistema ter podali primer implementacije enega od algoritmov, ki se uporabljajo pri implementaciji avtonomne vožnje. Podali bomo tudi primer povezovanja platforme z oblačnimi storitvami.

                            Grega Močnik, Danilo Zimšek, FERI Maribor

                            On a lecture we will present a interoperability between programs KiCAD and FreeCAD
                            which we can use to create a 3D model of an electronic circuit and it’s housing.

                            First we will demonstrate, how to efficiently manage official & personal KiCAD libraries
                            of (a) electronic symbols, (b) footprints and (c) corresponding 3D models. You will also see,
                            how to efficiently sepparate personal & official libraries.

                            Then we will show, how to import custom 3D models in KiCAD and properly align them to
                            the corresponding footprints. Finished electronic circuit will be exported as a 3D model and 
                            will be imported in FreeCAD where we will show you some options to create 3D housing. 

                            Žiga Lausegger, prof.

                            (Slovenščina) 3D natisnjena hidroelektrarna s Peltonovo turbino je namenjena prikazu fizikalnih zakonitosti proizvodnje električne energije. Uporabnik lahko s spremembo višinske razlike in s spreminjanem pretoka vode direktno vpliva na proizvodnjo električne energije. BLDC motor je uporabljen kot generator in LED trak kot indikator proizvodne moči. Eksperimentalni sistem je odličen pripomoček za razjasnitev osnov pretvorbe energije iz potencialne v -> kinetično energijo-> mehansko energijo -> električno energijo.

                            Matic Markovič, dr. Primož Sukič, Laboratorij za energetiko UM FERI

                            (Slovenščina) Grozd Pametne tovarne deluje v okviru Zbornice za elektronsko in elektroindustrijo na GZS in je del strateškega razvojno inovacijskega partnerstva Tovarne prihodnosti (SRIP ToP) katerega cilj je je vzpostaviti odprto in prijazno okolje za zainteresirane predstavnike
                            gospodarstva, raziskovalnih organizacij, države ter ostalih zainteresiranih na prednostnem področju »Tovarne prihodnosti«.

                            Mitja Virant

                            What’s been told about the conference

                            Goal of the conference is to deliver to participants technical news from the fields of ICT, electronics and mechatronics. Speakers on the conference will not be coming sales but will be top-notch technical experts from Slovenia and abroad.
                            JURIJ MIKELNPredsednik organizacijskega odbora
                            EBV @ IKTEM 2018

                            EBV Elektronik always asks itself a single fundamental question: How can we help our customers to develop a solution that is smart, has a data connection with the outside world and enables secure communication? In short: it is about being smart, secure and connected everywhere.

                            To demonstrate the latest technical news and demands for IOT connectivity EBV Elektronik will host three sessions at ITKEM 2018 providing update on the latest microcontrollers, sensors, power mangement options as well as an overview on connectivites like narrowband, LoRa, BLE, NFC and WiFi.

                            Žiga Stefanič, EBV Slovenia

                            EBV ElektronikZlati sponzor
                            I was very pleasantly surprised by the expertise of speakers, all themes presented were one way or another interesting for our company.
                            Tomaž KlopčičKRN d.o.o.

                            Register to IKTEM 2020

                            Register to IKTEM 2020 and receive your IKTEM 2020 Conference Proceedings of Lectures in PDF.

                            Conference Sponsors

                            These fine companies sponsor the conference!

                            GOLD sponsor
                            SILVER sponsors
                            BRONZE sponsors
                            Conference SPONSORS
                            Conference PARTNER

                            MEDIA sponsors

                            University PARTNERS
                            Conference ORGANISERS

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