News from ICT, electronics and mechatronics

Check what the conference can offer to you

What speakers will present to you

Themes of the IKTEM conference are from ICT, electronics and mechatronics.

What will we do

We will organize “Hands-on” workshops where attendees can evaluate HW & SW.

About IKTEM conference

Last conferences had interesting Get together.

We organized Dart competition. It took place before Dinner and after  beer tasting!

Next day all participants were competing at Summer Sledge from Zlodejevo.

About IKTEM conference

Organisers: AX elektronika, Svet elektronike magazine, Svet mehatronike magazine



Venue: to be defined


tel: +386-1-528 56 88

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Top notch Authors

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Call for IKTEM 2024 Papers is open!

    Conference agenda

      Conference agenda

    Conference Agenda is in preparation


    What’s been told about the conference

    Goal of the conference is to deliver to participants technical news from the fields of ICT, electronics and mechatronics. Speakers on the conference will not be coming sales but will be top-notch technical experts from Slovenia and abroad.
    JURIJ MIKELNPredsednik organizacijskega odbora
    EBV @ IKTEM 2018

    EBV Elektronik always asks itself a single fundamental question: How can we help our customers to develop a solution that is smart, has a data connection with the outside world and enables secure communication? In short: it is about being smart, secure and connected everywhere.

    To demonstrate the latest technical news and demands for IOT connectivity EBV Elektronik will host three sessions at ITKEM 2018 providing update on the latest microcontrollers, sensors, power mangement options as well as an overview on connectivites like narrowband, LoRa, BLE, NFC and WiFi.

    Žiga Stefanič, EBV Slovenia

    EBV ElektronikZlati sponzor
    I was very pleasantly surprised by the expertise of speakers, all themes presented were one way or another interesting for our company.
    Tomaž KlopčičKRN d.o.o.

    Registration to IKTEM is not open yet!

    Registration to IKTEM is not open yet!

    Conference Sponsors

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